I tried Couchsurfing during two months abroad in Europe and this is how it went!
A Very Bali Birthday

Spending my birthday in Bali to kick off three months abroad in Southeast Asia!
24 Hours in Shanghai

I had a layover in Shanghai and got to explore a country I had never been before.
Why Hostels Rock!

Whenever I travel, I try to stay at a hostel. I know what you are thinking.. They are gross, dirty and for teenagers. While this can be true, I have found they can also be clean, for more mature people and fun! Here are my top 5 reasons why I love staying at hostels: You […]
The Grandest of Canyons

One of the things that has been on my travel Bucketlist for awhile now is to visit every National Park in the US. I was recently able to check off 10 more from my list making my total count to 14 out of 59 parks! In April, I found a killer deal for airfare from […]
My Favorite Shoes for Travel

When you are backpacking through new territories, you want to pack lightweight but comfortable shoes! You also don’t want to scream “tourist” when locals see you. Here are my favorite shoes for all of my adventures abroad. Please note, I have not been sponsored to write about these shoes.. I just really love them and […]
Stay Golden (Bay)

After my Abel Tasman adventure, I headed to Golden Bay to check out some more beaches and Farewell Spit, the narrow sand spit at the Northern end of the South Island. The drive from Moetuka was short and only took me an hour. When I arrived at my hostel, I asked what beach I should […]
Cliff Jumping, Seals and Abel Tasman, Oh My!

I started driving to Moetuka the day after I climbed Franz Josef Glacier. I found out from the Franz Josef DOC office, I should make a few stops on the way. The first stop I made was to Hokitika. Hokitika is a town on the South Island that is known for Pounamu or Greenstone Jade. […]